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Kate Macdonald

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Wisdom | The Power of Patience

Wisdom | The Power of Patience

Adapted from the 16 Guidelines for a Happy Life "In relationships with others, patience becomes a form of kindness. Think of the best friend who comforts you night after night over the heartache that just won’t go away, or the grandchild who smiles through the story...

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Wisdom | The Sacred Pause by Jack Kornfield

Wisdom | The Sacred Pause by Jack Kornfield

Some wisdom from Jack Kornfield in time for the holidays... An excerpt from Jack's book The Wise Heart; and also published here on Our life can take on a whirlwind quality of working, responding, answering, solving, building, caring, tending and...

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Wisdom | A Gratitude Practice from Our Friend Jean

Wisdom | A Gratitude Practice from Our Friend Jean

Three Good Things A way to tune into the positive events in your life. From UC Berkeley’s Greater Good in Action; recommended to us by our friend Jean Watt. Jean did this gratitude practice every day. “Attitude is everything,” Jean told us. “So in the morning, instead...

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Poetry Rx | “The Star” by Richard Bauckham

Poetry Rx | “The Star” by Richard Bauckham

We first saw it on a night pitch as a dungeon, the world’s midnight. It appeared the only brightness in the universe, a bird of pure light soaring, a crystal ship sailing the dark deluge, a dazzling denizen of heaven leaping the vast vault towards our long lost world....

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Gratitude for Our Caregivers | Nita

Gratitude for Our Caregivers | Nita

"Two Beautiful Peas in a Pod" Our friend Nita was an incredible caregiver, confidante, and companion to a dear friend of ours, Jane. Nita always dresses beautifully — which Jane, who also loved getting dressed nicely and feeling beautiful, loved. Jane loved people and...

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