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Aging & Impermanence

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Wisdom | How to Die Well

Wisdom | How to Die Well

The late great Tibetan Buddhist teacher Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche (1926 – 2006), answers questions about death and dying put by Ven. Pende Hawter, founder of Karuna Hospice Services in Brisbane, Australia, in Dharamsala, India, in May 1990. This piece was excerpted from...

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Poetry Rx | “Affirmation” by Donald Hall

Poetry Rx | “Affirmation” by Donald Hall

To grow old is to lose everything. Aging, everybody knows it. Even when we are young, we glimpse it sometimes, and nod our heads when a grandfather dies. Then we row for years on the midsummer pond, ignorant and content. But a marriage, that began without harm, scatters into debris on the shore, and a […]

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Wisdom | The Dalai Lama’s Perspective on Aging

Wisdom | The Dalai Lama’s Perspective on Aging

Featured image: The Dalai Lama visits a patient at Westmead Hospital in Sydney in 2013. Photo Rusty Stewart/Dalai Lama in Australia (DLIA). In April 2013 the Dalai Lama met scientists at the Université de Lausanne in Switzerland to participate in a conference on...

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Being Mortal

Being Mortal

FRONTLINE follows renowned New Yorker writer and Boston surgeon Atul Gawande as he explores the relationships doctors have with patients who are nearing the end of life. In conjunction with Gawande’s book, Being Mortal, the film investigates the practice of caring for...

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Care Conversations | Still Growing

Care Conversations | Still Growing

Sometimes it takes a bit of apparent nonsense to return us to the pith of common sense. This year being the century and a half marker of Lewis Carroll's Alice, that wisdom struck me again. As Alice ate the cake she kept growing. "Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice...

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Cassidy’s Corner | In Our Dotage

Cassidy’s Corner | In Our Dotage

As I left the front door this morning, I saw the moonflower folding on its vine. A whiff of regret swept over me for the subtle and seductive scent dissolving, the green sepals forcing that purest white leaf inward. I stopped myself and looked hard at the dying...

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Our Friends | The Song of the Sea Urchin

Our Friends | The Song of the Sea Urchin

I was thinking as I ran on the beach this morning about the ephemerality of life, the beauty. I was thinking how much of a distraction beauty is, a wonderful distraction but a distraction that sometimes moves aside. This displacement of beauty can happen with its loss...

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