Happy first day of Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, & Lama Tsong Khapa Day... For this powerful, triple-threat holy day, we're sharing some words of wisdom from Paul Weinfield. “Let Life Humble You” by Paul Weinfield Let life humble you. Leonard Cohen said his teacher...
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Healing & Forgiveness Are the Only Source of Life: Wisdom for This First Week of Advent
“Healing & Forgivess Are the Only Source of Life” What to do while we watch and wait this Advent season? Move from the large vision of Isaiah to the small discipline of John. If John embodies all that is old & Jesus embodies all that is new, take as your...
A Vedic Prayer for Peace
I desire neither earthly kingdom, nor even freedom from birth and death. I desire only the deliverance from grief of all those afflicted by misery. Oh Lord, lead us from the unreal to the real; from darkness to light; from death to immortality. May there be peace in...
Finn Reflects on the Feast of St. Francis
KIND HUMANS! Finn here, again. As you know, I was all ready for my blessing at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Newport Beach yesterday for the Feast of St. Francis (one of my favorite holidays), but I just couldn’t focus! Turns out, someone (ahem… Mr. Donald) put my FAVORITE FRISBEE in the car, and I got a little too distracted.
Finn Celebrates World Animal Day
Humans of Newport & beyond! (This is Finn, again, BTW. Coral Tree’s Chief Pawficer of Office Morale and Management — Mr Donald told me the longer my title, the more impressive I’d be. Go figure.) Anyway, I have a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT to make! Today is WORLD...
‘I Am Sorry’ – the Three Hardest Words to Say
Desmond Tutu There were so many nights when I, as a young boy, had to watch helplessly as my father verbally and physically abused my mother. I can still recall the smell of alcohol, see the fear in my mother's eyes and feel the hopeless despair that comes when we see...
Wisdom from Three Modern Masters of Religion
This CBSN 30-minute documentary explores the lives and influence of three religious teachers, Thomas Merton, His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and Karen Armstrong. Thomas Merton For much admired Trappist monk Thomas Merton, the “deeply spiritual life” meant the “experience” of God’s presence and love at all times, combining that with action in everyday life. […]