Cassidy’s Corner | These Evening Bodies That We Wear

Yesterday evening, instead of spring cleaning, I was doing some fall trashing of old magazines that had gathered under tables in dead stacks, a heap of paper. Paging through a few of them, I stopped at the following poem I might have missed before. It read exactly as I felt last night, stiff from sitting, dizzy with a drift of glossy paper. The poet caught my aging body in its October nightdress.
Evening Poem by Alice Oswald
Old scrap-iron foxgloves
rusty rods of the broken woods
what a faded knocked-out stiffness
as if you’d sprung from the horsehair
of a whole Victorian sofa buried in the mud down there
or at any rate something dropped from a great height
straight through flesh and out the other side
has left your casing pale and loose and finally
just a heap of shoes
they say the gods being so uplifted
can’t really walk on feet but take tottering steps
and lean like this closer and closer to the ground
which gods?
it is the hours on bird-thin legs
the same old choirs of hours
returning their summer clothes to the earth
with the night now
as if dropped from a great height
Coral Tree In-home Care provides caregivers, old-fashioned kindness, and neighborly support to older adults who want to live at own home safely, comfortably, and as independently as possible. Since 2010 we’ve helped more than 350 families in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Coast, and neighboring Southern California communities live safer, happier lives.
Wisdom from Our Elders: An Interview with Our Friend Bob Cogan, 96-years-old
“I’ve never seen such devotion.” These are the first words my mother says when I ask her to describe our friend Bob Cogan, who turned 96 this year. Bob is straight-forward, ethical, and kind. As my mom says: “He is a good man.”
A Coral Tree Life Lesson from Our Friend Bob: Practice Patience & Trust
“Trust is the basis, the foundation, of any relationship.” - Bob Kate: Bob, if a young person, or one of your grandchildren, came to you and asked you, what are the most important lessons you’ve learned over the course of your life, what advice would you give? Bob:...
Coral Tree Life Lesson # 1: Wisdom from Our Friend Doris
Well, my husband used to say — and he always encouraged me in whatever job I had — don’t pay attention to anything that’s going on; just concentrate on doing your work and doing the best job you can. That is a lesson for life: to be proud of what you do.
A Letter to Cassidy from a Coral Tree Caregiver
Dear Ms. Cassidy,
I hope this message finds you in good health and great spirits. As I reflect on my time working with your agency, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and a deep sense of admiration for your generosity and leadership.
An Important Message from the CPO
I know this is a little belated (Nutkin the squirrel has been extra shifty lately, so I’ve been very busy keeping the perimeter safe), but I’m SO EXCITED to finally share some BIG news about one of my absolute favorite humans: our amazing Cynthia!
Let Life Humble You: Wisdom for the First Day of Hanukkah
Happy first day of Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, & Lama Tsong Khapa Day... For this powerful, triple-threat holy day, we're sharing some words of wisdom from Paul Weinfield. “Let Life Humble You” by Paul Weinfield Let life humble you. Leonard Cohen said his teacher...