Cassidy’s Corner | These Evening Bodies That We Wear

Yesterday evening, instead of spring cleaning, I was doing some fall trashing of old magazines that had gathered under tables in dead stacks, a heap of paper. Paging through a few of them, I stopped at the following poem I might have missed before. It read exactly as I felt last night, stiff from sitting, dizzy with a drift of glossy paper. The poet caught my aging body in its October nightdress.
Evening Poem by Alice Oswald
Old scrap-iron foxgloves
rusty rods of the broken woods
what a faded knocked-out stiffness
as if you’d sprung from the horsehair
of a whole Victorian sofa buried in the mud down there
or at any rate something dropped from a great height
straight through flesh and out the other side
has left your casing pale and loose and finally
just a heap of shoes
they say the gods being so uplifted
can’t really walk on feet but take tottering steps
and lean like this closer and closer to the ground
which gods?
it is the hours on bird-thin legs
the same old choirs of hours
returning their summer clothes to the earth
with the night now
as if dropped from a great height
Coral Tree In-home Care provides caregivers, old-fashioned kindness, and neighborly support to older adults who want to live at own home safely, comfortably, and as independently as possible. Since 2010 we’ve helped more than 350 families in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Coast, and neighboring Southern California communities live safer, happier lives.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Donald!
Happy Birthday to this dude. Also known as Mr. Donald, Uncle Donut, the Coral Tree Cookie Man & Madeleine-maker, the Old Man of the Sea, and most importantly, my most precious dad.
On behalf of all of us at Coral Tree, let me express how grateful I am for this kind father, protector, and provider who has been a rock for me in this life. And who makes the yummiest Boerie roll you’ve ever had.
September 11 Reflection: If I Can Help Somebody as I Pass Along
May today & every day be day of new beginnings… May we not mire in sadness, but always aspire to be a force for goodness in this world.. And may we never forget the sacrifice of those we’ve lost, of those who serve, those who give their lives for others… in our community, our country, all countries…
Wisdom | “You Must Believe in Your Potential” by Chamtrul Rinpoche (Or as our Gigi would say: “Keep going, Kiddo!”)
The problem for so many people is that they don’t believe in their potential, so their love and compassion remains extremely limited, and it usually extends no further than to their closest family members.
Wisdom from Our Elders: An Interview with Our Friend Bob Cogan, 96-years-old
“I’ve never seen such devotion.” These are the first words my mother says when I ask her to describe our friend Bob Cogan, who turned 96 this year. Bob is straight-forward, ethical, and kind. As my mom says: “He is a good man.”
‘I Am Sorry’ – the Three Hardest Words to Say
Desmond Tutu "My father has long since died, but if I could speak to him today, I would want to tell him that I had forgiven him. What would I say to him? I would begin by thanking him for all the wonderful things he did for me as my father ... Perhaps he would hear...